What's Your Point of View?

We recently pruned the fruit trees in the backyard. I did it by myself the previous time, and the results were, well, interesting. So this time we did some research, planned the event and waited for a cool spell. Karol would do the directing, and I would do the...

We have met the enemy

I just about finished the next blog post. The entry had everything. Marvelous content. Humor. Natural seques. I was to the last paragraph and decided to flip from HTML mode to Preview mode. I noticed I forgot to close a “b” with a “/b” making...

Seeing Forests and Trees

If I had six hours to cut a tree, I’d spend the first four sharpening my axe. Abraham Lincoln I’m currently working with a client helping them upgrade their systems to the most recent version of their software. Along the way, we’re refactoring and...

Farmer Meditation

At one time, where I live in North Carolina was within 2 hours of 5 different NASCAR race tracks. Since I’m not originally “from around here”, I summarize NASCAR as “A bunch of good ol’ boys. Drive fast. Turn left.” The locals tend...

The Software Cynic

I found the following in some notes from October 2000. I don’t remember why I made the observations. Requirements The bad news: it’s just has hard to define small project requirements as it is large project requirements. The good news: since there are...