
CONTACT Email: don [at] donaldegray [dot] com Phone: (336) 414-4645 Twitter: @donaldegray Mastodon: @donaldegray LinkedIn: Don...


ENDORSEMENTS You know, Don, a couple years ago I watched you “join a team” and help them work together better when your charter was actually to get something shipped. You weren’t there to “fix them.” You ended up helping that team and...


BOOKS Center Enter Turn Sustain: Essays in Change Artistry by Esther Derby, Don Gray, Johanna Rothman, and Gerald M. Weinberg This collection is available in PDF, mobi and epub formats on LeanPub A Change Artist is someone whose presence improves everyone’s...

Goal, Goal, Who’s Got the Goal?

Goal, Goal, Who’s Got the Goal?

“If you don’t know where you are going, you probably won’t get there.“ Yogi Berra The pager tones sounded at 2 AM. It blared “Squad 86, car accident with personal injuries on Highway 268 west of Pilot Mountain.” I don’t know how...